Sunday, November 29, 2009

美丽华 Super Tanker food court - 泰式炒饭

美丽华小贩中心 Super Tanker food court

食物推荐 Food recommended:
泰式炒饭Thai style fried rice

黄梨炒饭 Pineapple Fried Rice

巴拉煎炒配有味道不错的猪肉 Belacan Fried Rice with some porks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Joez Coconut

Tired of hot weather in Penang Malaysia?
Wanna have a cooling time? Its Joez coconut Jelly time~

Tonnes of coconut available here...

Crystal clear coconut jelly made by coconut juice~ yummy~

Cool~ smooth~ sweet~ juicy~ and it is only RM3.70/pc.
Can get discount sometime if you buy in bulk ^@^